Our team is experienced in hosting powerful engagement events both large and small, exploring the complexities of our changing climate with global audiences.
See our Event Themes for 2019 or get in touch to book your engagement event today.
See our Event Themes for 2019 or get in touch to book your engagement event today.
This incredible "Climate is Life" mural was painted on the campus of Wilfrid Laurier University in Fall 2019 (Waterloo, Canada). The mural honors the grassroots climate movement that has risen up around the world to respond to the climate crisis. Of particular note is reference to the Anishnaabe Grand River Water Walk, that honors and protects the waters of the Grand River; the Haldimand Tract that the river is located within; as well as Swedish youth climate activist Greta Thunberg. The silhouette at the front of the mural invites viewers to symbolically "join the movement", as many have who particapted in the mural's opening ceremony (below). This mural was both designed and painted through a collaborative participatory process engaging dozens of people across the diversity of Laurier's community, led by the talented community mural artist Pamela Rojas. A full mural album is here, and Laurier's official press release here.
Community activists join the mural to spread the message that Climate is Life. Fall 2019.
Hosting a collaborative mural creation event in partnership with RISE Waterloo Region and the Engaging Economies of Change conference, May 2019 (Waterloo, Canada). The mural is symbolic of the massive shift needed towards a far more sustainable clean economy, and the leadership and wisdom that can come from our communities to get us there. It reads "Engage our Society; Transform our Economies; Build our Future". Full album here, timelapse here.
Through a combination of community film screenings, artistic workshops and
in-depth discussions held in partnership with local leaders, we help host crucial conversations for climate action across our communities.
FILM SCREENING OF BEYOND CRISIS (1 hour screening only) |
FILM SCREENING + WORKSHOP / Q&A (1.5 - 3 hours +) |
COMMUNITY MURAL (1/2 day or more, variable) |
YOUR IDEAS! (Work with us to discuss a new climate engagement strategy - timing open) |
Are you a professional artist or facilitator interested in engaging on global climate change? Visit our partners page for information on how to partner with us to co-design and host uniquely powerful engagement events in your community.
Beyond Crisis workshops and screening events
We've hosted dozens of creative workshops building off of the feature documentary for climate action Beyond Crisis, which provides a deep dive into the climate crisis, the building of a global movement to respond to it, and the many solutions available to build a far more sustainable, safe climate future. Since its launch in fall 2017, Beyond Crisis has been hosted at community events around the world, catalyzing powerful community engagement and action. Here's a glimpse of some of the workshops we've hosted - for a more comprehensive view, check out the community gallery on the film website. You can also bring Beyond Crisis to your community by filling out the film request form here. Screenings can be coupled with workshops and other community actions to make for a truly rich & unique community event!
Beyond Crisis screening event at Parkview Public School in May 2019, coupled with an in-depth community dialogue, commitments to action and an afternoon workshop with the students exploring the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Big thank you to the grade 7 / 8 students for helping to organize this event, including by painting such a beautiful mural for the film! It was incredibly inspiring to see the leadership these students are taking towards action - inspiring their families and communities to lead also.
Hosting an interactive screening and engagement event on global climate change as part of the annual Global Youth Forum, held at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, May 2018 (Waterloo, Canada)
Watching the sun set and the atmosphere change all around us while contemplating the many diverse challenges of climate change was a perfect venue for this community screening event hosted by Ecologos / Water Docs, September 22, 2018 at the R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant by Lake Ontario, Toronto.
Community mural creation
Mural events are one incredible way to engage our communities creatively on climate, getting everyone's bodies and minds activated together while making a powerful symbolic statement in your community. Murals can build community dialogues and relationships, attract press attention, inspire and engage everyday people walking by, and generally help engage participants and viewers alike in dreaming up and envisioning a far more sustainable future. In today's world, where we're so often surrounded by signs of consumerism and non-sustainable behavior, it can be incredibly empowering to break with this narrative, creating imagery that represents a radical shift to a far more inspiring future. Plus, murals are just FUN! Murals can be created in either permanent or washable paint with chalk outlines, making them appropriate as both permanent installations and as temporary statements in shared public spaces. Reach out for more information.
Our team partnered with RISE Waterloo Region to lead a massive community mural project in Waterloo Town Square, as a celebration of a 3-day conference on "Engaging Economies of Change" in Waterloo Region (May 22 - 25, 2019). The mural envisions the type of bold, transformative change that we need to see in our economies, and reads "ENGAGE OUR SOCIETY; TRANSFORM OUR ECONOMIES; BUILD OUR FUTURE". The full album of pictures is here, timelapse here. #somethingdifferent #CANSEE2019
A future mural creation project for climate action is being planned at Wilfrid Laurier University, fall 2019 - stay tuned for updates!
A future mural creation project for climate action is being planned at Wilfrid Laurier University, fall 2019 - stay tuned for updates!
Workshops on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals
In 2019, PCF was invited to lead two creative engagement events exploring the UN's Sustainable Development Goals with diverse audiences. The first was as part of the Global Solutions Conference at the University of Waterloo in March, 2019, while the second engaged a much younger audience (though no less enthusiastic!) as part of the annual Waterloo Wellington Science and Engineering Fair. Participants contributed to designing a range of original "puzzle pieces" each speaking to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and how it they might be realized in our community. The result is several murals that can now travel between communities, to educate and inspire others on these SDGs, which are so critical for leading our own sustainable development forwards.
Sustainable Development Goal "puzzle mural" creation exercise at the Global Solutions Conference in Waterloo, Canada, March 2019.
Sustainable Development Goal "puzzle mural" creation exercise at the Waterloo Wellington Science & Engineering Fair (WWSEF) with grade 7 / 8 students, Waterloo, Canada, April 2019. Photo credit: Jodi Koberinski
Sharing our climate stories
Stories are critical to guiding human society and actions, from shaping individual to group identities. Our storytelling workshops take a variety of forms, bringing in creative techniques from theatre to personal inquiry and sharing, deepening connection to the global climate that sustains all of us. In the workshops below, participants used stills from Beyond Crisis to select the imagery that resonated most with them and through this build new narratives in response to the climate crisis. The workshops empower participants to create and share new stories of global change, through this deepening support for local climate engagement and action.
Youth share their climate stories as part of the March 15th global day of action in 2019. This day brought together over 1.6 million people, mostly youth, in global solidarity to demand ambitious action on climate change NOW to secure a safe climate future. The strikes took place in over 2000 places and 125 countries around the world, making it one of the largest strikes for climate action in history! This video profiles the voices of youth from Waterloo Region, Canada, rising up to speak their truth.
Hosting a collaborative climate story creation exercise at the University of Waterloo, as part of the Sustainable Campus Initiative (SCI) Day 2019. This project used stills from Beyond Crisis film to challenge participants to come up with and describe their own climate stories.
In July 2018, PCF was invited to facilitate an interactive climate storytelling workshop at the Climate Rally: 80 x 50 event in Cambridge, ON, Canada. The event was held by Climate Action Waterloo Region in partnership with the City of Cambridge, in celebration of the Region's recently passed 80% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target by 2050. Photos credit: Basak Topcu
Request a Sample
To request a sample of the film and / or specific engagement materials, please write to us indicating your request through our contact form here.
Beyond Crisis
All film screenings currently refer to interactive screenings of documentary film Beyond Crisis, now screening worldwide. This film paints a powerful portrait of our changing climate and the ambitious global movement working to solve this crisis, directed by PCF co-founder Kai Reimer-Watts. To watch the trailer, book a screening and for all other information on the film, visit www.beyondcrisisfilm.com
Our current team is based primarily in southern Ontario, although we engage with audiences worldwide and continue to expand our available roster of engagement hosts and artists. In-person events are generally reserved for those near to where our available hosts live, with occasional exceptions for major events. For any events where our team is not able to be physically present, we offer the ability to video conference into your event session as shown above to engage directly with your audience.